White Paper on Flutter Vs ReactNative - Flutter App Development Company Dallas | Los Angeles

Flutter Vs React Native – A comparison study on Hybrid technologies for secure mobility solution

Overview of Flutter and React Native

Flutter and React Native are both cross-platform mobile development frameworks. React Native was developed by Facebook and was initially released in May 2015. It was later discovered by a larger community and ever since it has become mainly community-driven. Flutter, on the other hand, is considered as a newer framework; its first stable version was released in December 2018. Apps using React Native are written in JavaScript, while apps using Flutters are written in Dart. Flutter became a stable framework compared with React Native and most of the recent apps chose Flutter framework competing with performance.

Flutter Vs React Native White Paper 2020Download White Paper

Let’s take a look at the two competitors in this detailed overview to decide which one is a potentially better tool to develop a cross-platform application.

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