SocialIQ – Ranking Social Media Influencers


  • SocialIQ is a Silicon Valley start-up focusing on building a SocialIQ scoring platform using Machine Learning.  
  • Social media influencers are new breed of celebrities who wield enormous influence amongst their followers. There is need to rank these influencers based on their SocialIQ to help companies find excellent brand ambassadors for their products. 
  • Building such an automated scoring system based on 13 dimensions of social intelligence like Openness, Conscientiousness, Supportiveness etc., is a challenge. We used latest advances in Semantic Analysis using Deep Learning frameworks to build an unsupervised clustering model to accomplish this. 

The Digital


  • Built an automated pipeline to continuously aggregate, score and rank the tweets of the authors across the dimensions of Social Intelligence. This includes data aggregation using Twitter API, data analytics using and data visualization in an Online Dashboard. 
  •  The live dashboard is accessible to the customers to review and make informed judgement in selecting and assessing their brand ambassadors. 

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