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Preparatory steps for migrating from Angular JS to Angular

Angular JS will be Desupported from June 30, 2021. Explore your needs to migrate to Angular here.

Here are 6 prep steps for Angular JS to Angular migration


Write Angular JS applications using Typescript to enable simple and effective migration process. As general practise most of Angular applications use Typescript as it is super set of Javascript and all Javascript is also Typescript.

Best Practices of Typescript:

Ensure to adopt basic and best practices such as turning on strict mode and using babel. This is quite a promising approach for the future.

Side Effect Free Code:

Break functions into exportable members of standalone ES6 utility modules; Create hierarchical dependency injection system. In general, try to reduce the reliance of frameworks.


Create light-weight Decorators that go well in hand with Typescript and that will be likely as some of Angular functionality.

Remove Unused Functionalities:

Compare and remove functionalities that will no longer be available in Angular to save time and effort while initiating the migration process.

Evaluate 3rd Party Library Compatibility:

Evaluate 3rd party libraries used in Angular JS to check their compatibility with Angular.

Explore our case study below on how we did it!

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